When the raging floodwaters of Clearlake, Ca. threatened this man's home, he decided to use AquaDams to give his house a fighting chance!

Due to the massive amount of wave action and the unceasing rainfall, water had to be constantly pumped back over the AquaDams to maintain the dry area. A small submersible pump was used.

All of the AquaDams around this particular house are 3 feet high. Look at the difference between this yard and the neighbor's. I hope they bought flood insurance!

At this point, the floodwaters have subsided a bit, but there's plenty more where that came from!

Look at that wave breaking over the AquaDam! It's a good thing that it's not breaking over the house; the damage would be terrible.

A view from the other side, looking at the same wave action. The dewatering pump inside the barrier is still keeping up, though!

This is an overhead view of the second house. The neighbors are all flooded out, but if you look really close at the house surrounded by the AquaDam, you can still see their lawn... high and dry.

3 feet high AquaDams were also used to surround this house. Compared to the size of the AquaDam, that's about a full 2 feet of water being kept out of that home.

Sure, the yard is a little muddy from so many people walking on it, but they can still see their yard, and their neighbors would need a snorkel to see theirs.

This is actually the front of the house. Notice the two discharge pipes on the far right side for pumping off accumulated water.

The positioning of this tree was rather convenient, as it gave the Water Structures Unlimited personnel something to bend the AquaDam around.

This is the view from the back of the house. Notice the difference on either side of the AquaDam. Someday, this could be your house, safe from the raging floodwaters... or not.

This 4 foot high AquaDam was installed around a motel to protect it from the rising floodwaters.