St. Helena, CA 2011
16ft tall 217ft long single closed end AquaDam, Lake Hennessy, Shoreline Isolation, Road Embankment Repair, Installation, Removal ...
Palm Desert, CA 2018
12ft tall 25ft wide (fully filled) 270ft long single closed end AquaDam with no connection collar supported on the inner perimeter with two (2) 8ft tall 17ft wide (fully filled) 100ft and140ft long single closed end AquaDams, Pond Bank Isolation, Rainwater Recharge ...
Ferndale, CA 2023
1.5ft tall 3ft wide (when filled) 600ft long AquaDam with three connection collars, Sewage Pond, Berm Extension ...
Moreno Valley, CA 2019
12ft tall 25ft wide (fully filled) 170ft long double closed end AquaDam with an 8ft tall 17ft wide (fully filled) 40ft long single closed end AquaDam attached to each of it's ends, Rancho Del Lago Park, Partial Pond Isolation ...