Green River, UT 2008
8ft tall 17ft wide (filled) 300ft long Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDam, used in a “U” shape configuration, Green River, River Diversion, Riverbank Isolation, Intake Installation, Deadman AquaDam. ...
Los Angeles, CA 2023
The diversion cofferdam system consisted of a 6ft tall 13ft wide (fully filled) 50ft long double closed end (DCE) AquaDam, a 4ft tall 9ft wide 250ft long DCE AquaDam, a 4ft tall 35ft long DCE AquaDam with a connection collar, two (2) 3ft tall 7ft wide 100ft long single closed end (SCE) AquaDams, and a 1.5ft tall 3ft wide 35ft long SCE AquaDam, Los Angeles River, Concrete Canal, River Diversion ...
Echo Oregon, 2008
8ft tall 17ft wide (fully filled) 120ft long Single Closed End AquaDam, Umatilla River, Weir Isolation, River Diversion, Fish Ladder ...
Corona, CA 2005
3ft, 4ft, and 5ft tall AquaDams used, River Diversion, Bank Isolation, Road Bank Repair ...
Red Bluff, CA 2014
Two 8ft tall 17ft wide (fully filled) 200ft long AquaDams used in an “L” shape configuration, Butler Slough, River Diversion, Levee Breach Isolation ...